Prioritization Scores
Omics score values represent the probability of a given evidence group indicating the association of a given gene to a given disease. All scores range from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating no evidence, and 1 - the highest degree of evidence
Heterogeneous Graph Walk (HeroWalk) is a guided random walk-based approach that is applied to a heterogeneous graph (i.e., a graph containing different types of nodes). The model learns node representations and then finds the gene nodes similar to the reference disease node. First, the "walks" are sampled with a predefined meta-path, i.e., the fixed sequence of node types in a walk, e.g. 'gene'-'disease'-'gene.' The node degree controls the probability of transition between the nodes while sampling. Following that, the AI model learns the representation of each node based on the resulting corpus of walks. The cosine similarity between the specific disease and all available genes produces a ranked list of genes. The top genes from this list are predicted to be promising target hypotheses.
Text-based (NLP)
This group of scores is based on the analysis of text sources, including scientific publications, grants, patents, clinical trials. Insilico monitors the biomedical text data and uses advanced NLP and AI-based technology, to analyze the contextualized mentions of entities such as genes, diseases, drugs and KOLs in a variety of data sources. The scores are calculated for each gene in the disease-agnostic manner (total mentions of the gene), and in the context of disease areas of interest. Attention spikes are calculated for target — disease associations only (no disease-agnostic scores).
The Attention score measures the overall attention to the target at all times. PandaOmics calculates the total number of mentions of a gene in various texts across all time periods. Both disease-agnostic and disease-specific mentions are counted. The text corpus used for analysis includes scientific publications, grants, patents, and clinical trials.
Financial scores
Total grant funding to investigate the given gene at all times. Please note that the distribution of total funding is skewed with the mean value of approx. $8.9 million, but the median value is only $1.7 million. Also, 5% of entries have funding above $30 million.
Key Opinion Leaders (KOL)
This score measures the average Hirsch index of the researchers who published scientific articles studying given gene-disease association.