Design Resources
Our open-source design element library for streamlined science, medicine, and business communication
License and Usage Guide
This work, by Insilico Medicine, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY –NC SA). To view a copy of this license, visit
  • Attribution (BY): You must give appropriate credit to the original creator, Insilico Medicine, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may cite as follows: "Insilico Medicine, 2024, [Title of Icon Set], licensed under CC BY-NC-SA."
  • NonCommercial (NC): Users shall not use this work for any commercial purposes. Noncommercial uses are thus permitted without further permission from Insilico Medicine.
  • ShareAlike (SA): Users have the right to remix, transform, or build upon this work, and must distribute the contributions under the same license as this work, i.e., CC BY-NC SA license.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are administered by Insilico Medicine.
Please reach out to us by:

Read the full license terms here:
The CC 4.0 NCSA license only applies to the PPT design kit.

Company and product logos, workflows, company slide and website designs remain the property of Insilico Medicine.
Design Kit
At the forefront of artificial intelligence in the scientific realm, we are thrilled to introduce our comprehensive presentation template library. Developed with precision and creativity, this design kit of handy icons, design components, workflows, and templates are tailored to meet the high standards for communication of the scientific community.
Icons Pack
In this Icons Pack, you can find all icons from the design kit as .svg files sorted by category.
Hong Kong Office
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Alex Zhavoronkov in Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Feng Ren in Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Suzhou Robotics Lab
Shanghai Office